Cookies for the win

The plan was Easter Cookies, baking on Thursday and family cookie decorating on Friday. Seems simple enough and don’t get me wrong it is, its just I was so focused on every day life that I forgot all about the other aspects to Easter, the egg hunt, baskets and activities. Once again I had to relearned that when you are adding to your usually schedule something has to give since you only have so many hours in a day. I dropped the ball.

Easter doesn’t look or feel like it usually does. I find myself 6 days before the chocolate egg hunters are on the prowl to find all the things, and expecting all the things, since that is their normal. Which brings me to Monday, planning the thing, and coaching myself not to emotionally beat myself up for not producing what I think I need to.

Bottom half of a cracked egg, sugar cookie with sprinkles, was the plan. It turned into bunny bums, upside down heart shape cookies, because I couldn’t find the egg shape cookie cutter. They kinda look like 90’s valentines cookies. You look at the picture and wonder “why are the hearts upside down?”. I know, but the goal was making Easter Cookies and whatever way they turned out is not the point. The point was to keep the promise, with no stress attached to the intention.

I had to pivot, and come up with an idea on the spot and didn’t think though the technique before we started decorating the cookies. Didn’t give myself time to over think it and focus on the task, not what it should be but what it is. This is the theme of Easter this year. Seems like its the theme for life at this moment, don’t over think it and focus on the intention.

All of the basket goodies and chocolates will arrive at some point this week, dinner was on Saturday since a 28 day lockdown is in place on Sunday. No bunny pancakes for breakfast, no bunny and chick table cloth, no Easter Hunt, just appreciating the win with having the intention for Easter Cookies this week.

The cookies are not what I pictured, the perspective, we decorated cookies together. They taste of soft buttery sugar melting with the light tangy sweet icing. Even when things don’t look the same, or look like we want them to, or feel the same, doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious, fun, and good enough for what is, at that moment. Happy Easter!

The Intention

The intention was getting back into baking. Its my soul food and yes I like to eat cookies when my emotions are high tide. The value is me because I know my balance is off and the priority at this moment is keeping a promise to myself.

Choosing to ignore the imperfections when I examine the final result of the strawberry cream french macaron, focusing on the reaction of pure bliss after someone has swallowed their first bite. Those are the eye rolls I like seeing.

Have you been thinking about what it is you need to pick back up to value yourself and place you on your priority list? I know its hard, for some of you, I am asking you what do you need to do for yourself? That would mean you need to know yourself a little to be able to answer that question. For some of us we lost knowing what oneself would need, falling out of knowing who we are as individuals. We transform into being for everyone around us and everything life needs from us, by choice or not.

And maybe your one of the lucky ones that can answer what you need right away. Whether its taking the day off and sleeping the whole day, buying the summer dress for grocery shopping this summer, drinking water, going for a walk, meaningful conversations, a good meal, meditation, all of the things. Not all of us have given ourself that much attention and aware of what we need, but you, you have and you should be proud of yourself because that is the foundation of loving oneself. Your ahead of the game, and you could probably name of few things that you need to pick back up. So then my question to you is, knowing what your intention is and understanding the value of that soul feeding flue that comes with it, why are you not a priority to yourself?

Figuring out what the intention is and being a priority for oneself is something everyone will do at some point in life. We all do it at different stages in life and we all go about it in our own way. When I first started setting attentions it was little things like going to have a long relaxing shower, and as I kept it a priority for myself I got really clever with ways to not be interrupted. It became a date with myself. Yap it sure did, I turned long showers into dating myself which then lead to polishing the trophy! Why am I telling you this? Because for those of you who have no ideas what your intention is and how to become a priority, the things you already do to take care of yourself can be taken to a higher level. And that is where I needed to start with getting to know myself. I fell in love with music again, I looked, actually looked at myself in the mirror. I learned to look at myself in the eyes and slowly learned to love the reflection. The more I fell in love with myself the more I set intentions to discover what I needed to do to grown myself love.

Last week I talked about being off balance and needed to make myself a priority. Since the baking bug has been released, the creativity is flowing and Easter cookies are the intention. Step two, carving the time in my routine, attaching it to a habit I already have in place. Three, keeping the promise, because its a priority. Whats your intention? You are the priority.

If you are in the intention mindset, what is one little thing that you can do for yourself this week? Spending 15 minutes on your reflection, wearing an outfit that makes you feel so good in your skin, blasting that song rocking out not not having a care in the world singing at the top of your lungs. What is that action, the flue, the thing that makes you smile at yourself afterwards?

How much time do you really need? If someone needed you for that amount of time, would you be available? Can you be available for yourself and make yourself that level of a priority? Remember, pick it back up, now stand up, start again.

Talk soon……..


Getting Back on Track

During a period of time I taught myself baking and developed a macaron that is a mash up of three different recipes paired with a few months of trial and error.

Macarons in my opinion, is the other option to a cupcake. I think this to be true, if not, well in my world it is. My first macaron was from Costco and nope, definitely tasted the potential but wasn’t what they were made out to be. Nothing left to do then bake my own. After some research, and let me tell you, if Zumba has taught me anything about macarons is that what I have experiences from any bakery is not what a true french classic macaron is suppose to taste like. But please a home baked macaron, nope there is no comparison, and yes the hype is real.

I haven’t challenged my baking skills, in about a year. Now that I think about it Covid had a side effect of me falling off track, with constantly having baked goods in the house. Yes you read that line right. I love baking, breakfast is always fun, since breakfast is just dessert. Did you just roll your eyes at me?, If you and I stick around, you will see I have a healthly-ish relationship with food, and part of getting back on track is baking.

Speaking of getting back on track, macarons was the first difficult treat I succeeded with. What better dessert to feed my baking bug the wiping up some macaron! Baking was something that I love, and sometimes its easy to lose sight of that. Having quiet time alone, keeping my mind focused and turned off of everything else, all the while having a creative outlet that made other people so excited to try what’s in front of them. I can’t even, girl it’s my butter and sugar therapy. A little bit of information, I ran a home daycare and to be able to put food in front of a kid, even treats, and have them like it, is the greatest win. Not all kids like sugar believe it or not.

The plan for this week is to make classic french meringue macarons. I think the last time I made these was probably over a year ago. Fingers cross its like riding a bike but either way it’s sugar, its going to be good!

So I ask you, what did you stop doing that brought you joy? What did you let go that gave you energy, lit you up from inside? A hobby, reading, painting or colouring, sewing, photography, wood working, playing the piano, paint your toenails, what is it?

I’m encouraging you just as much as I am encouraging myself to pick it back up, start again, stand up and do something that ignites the joy in you. A little step, have the intention, mediate on it, place it in front of you and don’t stop looking at it.

My intention is baking. Step one, baking something that brought joy, step two, keep the promise to myself and three hold myself accountable. Style Insight is where I am coming for accountability, inspiration and grit.

I will be back soon…………


Dinner Breakfast Burritos

Dinner Breakfast Burritos – 5 medium size

Breakfast for dinner is one of my favourites, but it isn’t always hearty enough when you’re on the go all day and want one meal that is satisfying body, mind, and soul. So here is my take on a Dinner Breakfast Burrito.

Basic Ingredient

One sweet potato cubed, drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with *favourite spice blend. 8 slices of smoked black forest ham cubed, 7 eggs beaten and seasoned with salt and pepper. Diced onions and minced garlic.

Cook till desired crisp

Warm skillet** with olive oil, sauté onion and garlic, add sweet potato and roast, only tossing to sear other side. Add ham when sweet potato is half done. Half way through cooking the ham, optional you can add butter and maple syrup for that little breakfast taste. Be patient if you want crispy ham, the crispier you want the more your going to have to cook it but keep an eye on it cause once it really starts cooking it doesn’t take long to over cook.

Cinnamon maple Crepes

While ham mixture is cooking have crepes warming up. Add ham mixture a long the middle of the crepe and dress it up whatever way you desire, hot sauce, BBQ sauce, ketchup, maple syrup, salsa etc. etc. etc.

options are endless

Once eggs are cooked, add on top of ham mixture with fresh veggies, spring mix, tomatoes, pickled peppers, roasted tomatoes, what do you like? Now for the folding; fold in half, with the bottom facing you and the filling is along the bottom. With your pointing finger push in the corner, tuck in the corner top under the side corner that was just folded. Do the same on other side, tuck in the middle as you roll. Flatten a bit once opening is on the bottom of the burrito.

*El Ma Mia Spaghetti spicy seasoning

**Cast Iron Skillet

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