What is an Image Consultant?

birdwebWhat is an Image Consultant? Well most people in the industry will tell you they are here to guide their clients in presenting their best self in physical appearances, behaviour and communication whether its one on one coaching or corporate. They want to empower their clients in all appearance of any social, personal and profession day-to-day life.

I also too believe this but think it’s so much more then just surface. To me image consulting is about finding ones authentic self and truly being comfortable in their own skin and environment.

I believe an image consultant is able to understand your journey and the evolution your style has transformed over the years and is able to guide you to your next stage with easy and excitement. It’s about trust, understanding, patience and transformation into your best self.

Your personality plays so much into your wardrobe and also the current stage of life you are in. Sometimes it’s difficult to have those two coexist together but your consultant should be able to work with you and find your signature look.

Whether you work with a certified image consultant only once to get on tract or yearly to continue building on, at some point everyone needs guidance, even a consultants.

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Why Hire A Consultant

summerclosetwebThought out our life we experience so many adventures, challenges, wonders, and the list can go on. We all evolve as humans, we are living creatures and we must constantly be changing and enjoy where we are in the present time.

That being said, what is your relationship with your closet? Is it a time capsule of your younger years that brought you joy and curiosity and great memories? A moment in time you don’t want to let go. Or is the letting go of a certain image, style or size difficult.  Is it night and day between the costume you feel you need to wear and the clothes you want to wear? Did you have a life changing moment and the wardrobe never caught up, or you didn’t’ know how to adjust so you close the doors and open the draw to yoga wear. Are you in a transition period and you don’t know how to dress in any aspect whether it’s the job, the current body you have, divorce, mother hood etc.

Having someone who will take the time to understand who you are and what you need and have an appreciation of the current stage of life you are in can be very helpful in assisting you to bring the inner you out to reflect in the mirror.

Joy, happiness, laughter, confidence, understanding, loving are just a few words of what you should feel about you closet, and about the clothes you wear. But most importantly how you feel about your self.

Clothing speaks volumes, so what does you closet says about you and what are you choosing to say about yourself every morning!

Let it be LOVE!!!!!


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