The plan was Easter Cookies, baking on Thursday and family cookie decorating on Friday. Seems simple enough and don’t get me wrong it is, its just I was so focused on every day life that I forgot all about the other aspects to Easter, the egg hunt, baskets and activities. Once again I had to relearned that when you are adding to your usually schedule something has to give since you only have so many hours in a day. I dropped the ball.

Easter doesn’t look or feel like it usually does. I find myself 6 days before the chocolate egg hunters are on the prowl to find all the things, and expecting all the things, since that is their normal. Which brings me to Monday, planning the thing, and coaching myself not to emotionally beat myself up for not producing what I think I need to.
Bottom half of a cracked egg, sugar cookie with sprinkles, was the plan. It turned into bunny bums, upside down heart shape cookies, because I couldn’t find the egg shape cookie cutter. They kinda look like 90’s valentines cookies. You look at the picture and wonder “why are the hearts upside down?”. I know, but the goal was making Easter Cookies and whatever way they turned out is not the point. The point was to keep the promise, with no stress attached to the intention.

I had to pivot, and come up with an idea on the spot and didn’t think though the technique before we started decorating the cookies. Didn’t give myself time to over think it and focus on the task, not what it should be but what it is. This is the theme of Easter this year. Seems like its the theme for life at this moment, don’t over think it and focus on the intention.

All of the basket goodies and chocolates will arrive at some point this week, dinner was on Saturday since a 28 day lockdown is in place on Sunday. No bunny pancakes for breakfast, no bunny and chick table cloth, no Easter Hunt, just appreciating the win with having the intention for Easter Cookies this week.
The cookies are not what I pictured, the perspective, we decorated cookies together. They taste of soft buttery sugar melting with the light tangy sweet icing. Even when things don’t look the same, or look like we want them to, or feel the same, doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious, fun, and good enough for what is, at that moment. Happy Easter!